Technology at Your Fingertips
Ever Wish You Had a Better Way to Keep Up With Jobsites & Inventory?

All construction sites, field offices, lay-down yards & stock rooms always run into the same problems. Not knowing what was ordered, when it was ordered. who ordered, what the quantities were etc. Most of the time this is still done by the antiquated, Purchase Order Book system. Then the papers are recorded with carbon copies, given to the boss or put into a report to give to the boss and then they all end up in the trash. Two pieces of paper for every purchase! Or, valuable time is consumed with a field person having to call to get get a Purchase Order, tell them what they need, then the Purchase Order is issued with another phone call or email and then another phone call to the sales person yada yada yada!

Lavaant Inventory brings all purchasing into one spot, easily accessible to everyone that needs to be included in real time. Quotes can be viewed from your vendors and easily transitioned into an order using our system. All information pertinent to that order is then easily viewed, tracked, coded.

From the founder:
"More in-person visits equals more sales; more sales equal more money!"
Providing Technology to the Construction World
The Construction Industry is the most under-served industry for technology
Monthly Planning
Plan your day for success.
Know What's Coming Up
Order Integration
Order Directly from Vendors
How it works.
Learn All About the Advantages that Our System Has to Offer
A New Experience

Lavaant is a revolutionary customer relationship management system developed specifically for the construction industry. Developed by a top industry professional it takes your relationship with your customer to a higher level.

Make a Plan, Work the Plan, Make more Money

Plan your day, work your plan, make more really is just that simple! Construction sales is all about quality visits, right timing & sometimes pure luck. However, if you make a plan for seeing the right amount of people, prioritizing them correctly & tracking them accordingly all of these things fall into place. Lavaant takes the guesswork out of this for the construction salesman.

On average, the sale, the "YES", happens after the 9th visit with a customer. The average salesperson stops visiting the customer after the second visit.
The Lavaant salesperson knows exactly who their customers are, how long it took to get them, what they like, when the visited them last, when they need to see them next, when a quote is due, where they like to eat and even when it's time to move on from them.

Wait, What.

Designed by a top construction sales pro, Lavaant gives you the tools to keep everything you need at your fingertips. From the stock room, to the lay-down yard, to the job site, all purchases are under one easy to navigate app. Designed specifically for the construction & industrial markets, Lavaant gives you all the tools to track, minimize

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